
Season and Pick 3 Packages


Season Tickets are tickets for all BTL season shows, for the same performance, in the same seats. For example, Friday night season ticket holders will attend Friday night performances for all season shows and sit in the same seats. We also offer benefits to patrons that make contributions. 

Because we are currently in the middle of the 2024-2025 Season, we no longer have any season tickets available. If you are intereste din tickets for three or more shows, please check out our Pick 3+ Plans below. 

We will be announcing our 2025-2026 season shows in Spring 2025.

Purchase A Pick 3+ Ticket Package

Create your own personalized ticket package! This offers ultimate flexibility based on your needs and schedule.


Package price is based on show, number of shows, and number of tickets.

  • PICK at least 3 different shows
  • PICK the performance times
  • PICK the number of tickets
  • PICK your preferred seating section


For example:

  • 2 tickets to Tina on Saturday 1pm
  • 4 tickets to Peter Pan on Tuesday 7pm
  • 2 tickets to Les Miz on Friday 7:30pm

2024- 2025 Pick 3+ Pricing

  • Exchanges: if for some reason you cannot attend a show at your scheduled day/time, we offer exchanges. You can exchange for a different day/time, however you are not guaranteed the same seats. You will be able to manage your tickets and do your own exchanges using our BTL Account Manager website. We try to best to find similar seats. Exchange fee is $3 per ticket (free for $250+ contributors by contacting our office).
  • Benefits: Pick 3+ ticket holders that make a donation to Broadway Theatre League receive certain benefits, such as a parking pass, drink cards and our Stage Door Club.  
Contributions 24-25 (3)
  • Please note if you select Orchestra 3 you will have to climb stairs to get to your seat. There are approximately 20 steps to get to the center aisle in Orchestra 3 and at least 12 steps to enter from Portal 11 or 12. If you do not want to climb stairs, we recommend seating in the Lower Balcony (there is an elevator and a few steps down) or seats accessible via portal 3 or 4.